Submitted by Emily Dunbar as part of Beadmas 2022 design team contest.
What is this design?
"Our sterling silver bead is called, "Resilience". It features two stages of the dandelion: the flowering and the seeding (when it turns into a puffball). The back of the bead features the traditional flowering dandelion (when it is yellow and in full bloom). The front of the bead is when the dandelion is seeding (puffball) and features a female "being" wearing a dress in the centre of the bead. The seeds are like her wings. Her arms are crossed in the #breakthebias pose. She has broken open shackles with dangling chains (these are attached onto the bead) on her ankles (she has broken free and no longer captive). Please see sketches and reference beads for more info.
We would like our bead to come packaged inside a "seed" inspired envelope. If possible, we would love the envelope to even be made of packaging that you can plant and grow a flower with (depending on cost). Please see our reference photos. The back ideally would have information about our chosen Charity: Vancouver Rape Relief"
How is this design important to you?
This design is inspired by survivors of male violence. It represents their strength and resilience, as well as their healing journey. It also shows that when one women speaks up/stands up, more come after and stand together. Together, they are unstoppable..stronger together. When a dandelion seeds...more dandelions grow and seed.
How can OHMily best support your design idea?
We would like to keep our design under $100. We would extra love our bead to be affordable $55-75 if possible, but we do not want to sacrifice the design. Many women who experience male violence experience financial hardship, so we want to be mindful of them, as well! We aren't sure what our design would cost, but hoping we can keep it under $100 for sure! Any help with keeping it to be under that would be great!