Queen Mandragora

Queen Mandragora

Queen Mandragora

Hi OHMily!

My name Marianne ย (@mariannemartindraws) is I have been kind of obsessed with mandrakes all my life: I doodle them frequently! Because of their fantasy-related lore, I associate them with playfulness, as well as our connection to the Earth and the occasional natural chaos that gives life certain magic...

With this bead, I'm hoping to create a fantasy bracelet friend that reminds us to trust our sassy, playful selves! A companion who always has a kind word of encouragement. Every time we look at her, I want Mandragora to make us smile and help us put everything in perspective.

Big Mandragora (something around the same scope as Heart of the Woods) is a character, a carrot-shaped sterling bead with lots of nature-inspired textures: roots, leaves, and a mischievous face. She is holding her Mandrake flower and smiling at us. She is interesting from every side, like a little action figure!

On her back: a little OHM logo and the saying "Rooting for you".ย 

Help me turn this root being into a shiny sterling reality!

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