Hi OHMily,
My name is Angela and I want you to feel nostalgic, comforted, happy, and satisfied when you see fries on your arm!
Everyone knows fries are the best part. We need to have fries to go with our Burger and Cheeseburger...and just like OHMies, each one is just a little bit different, we are better together, and there's always room for more!
I want you to imagine that feeling you get when you're the one to pull out that container of fries from the bag and there are like, 7 in the bottom just for you! Who's gonna know?? Dip that golden fry into a fresh squeezing of ketchup, so salty, sweet, naughty, and nice. How can you resist?
This pack of fries bead would be about the size of a Hamburger, silver with oxidized detail in the packet "dead space" and between each fry for definition. The OHM Logo would be on the front. Little specks of 'salt' can be sprinkled over them.