Mosquito Pig - Not Funded

Mosquito Pig - Not Funded

Mosquito Pig - Not Funded

Submitted by Lauren & Leslie @Meditatingmedusa

The little Mosquito Pig is a very charming every day item in Japan. I think it would make a sweet charm. My sister Lauren's idea with my insight and design. Charmed. Enchanted. A sweet reminder of Summer.

If you recall the design of the paper machete pig that Bottomless came in, shrink to charm size and open the end and hang a OHM swirl inside the charm to be seen if you look in the snout or the open back. Fix the swirl to the piece, would love it to hang or move. Suspend the entire charm like the hammock bead from the top like the traditional ceramic pig. Outer design in the pig would be optional flower motif or a tiny mosquito to denote what the pig is for.

Target price: $60-$80

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