Love Stings

Love Stings

Love Stings

OHM x Emily M @emmalemily & Sarah W @dreamkinn


Delicate paper walls may seem a fragile target but that belies the hidden, humming swarm within. Vicious venom protects this paper heart. Tread carefully or buzz off!

It's not grand trappings, vast reserves of dripping gold, or towering armor that give us power - it's the bonds of love and community that elevate and protect us. The small may be mighty when they are many!

Though aggressive in defending their nests and capable of multiple painful stings, hornets and yellowjackets are invaluable contributors to their ecosystems providing natural pest control by predating upon pest insects and aiding pollination in their quest for nectar.

Portion of revenue from this charm will go towards support of the Xerces Society, an international science-based nonprofit organization pursuing invertebrate conservation and habitat protection. The three key programs include: pollinator conservation, endangered species conservation, and reducing pesticide use and impacts. Visit to learn more about this noble mission.

A sterling paper nest heart guarded by dangling sentry hornet. Inspired by the designs of Love Trap, this charm is an homage to the architecture of Hornet and Yellowjacket aerial nests, this charm can be worn on a bracelet or as a pendant on the Ohm Ball or Ball necklace.

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