Tangram set

Tangram set

Tangram set


Price Range: $400

Im a huge fan of interactive jewelry and asian culture. This is an amazing and unique way to combine both things.

Im thinking about a “charm/jewelry set” (wouldnt be the first time that Ohm makes something like this since they already have a “Tarot set”) using the Chinese puzzle “Tangram” (the standard one, the 7 pieces square), it would be nice if every piece could have a different color (enamel?) and they have to be able to be separated so that it would be an interactive set. The complicated part: i would like it to be made in high quality materials but these have to be combined with magnets, why? As i said this is a “set” so to be able to combine the Tangram with the jewelry i used a kind of “floating locket” with a small piece of a magnetic board, so that the magnets stay in place and to make possible to build different tangram’s figures.

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