OHM Mighty Pen

OHM Mighty Pen

OHM Mighty Pen

ARTIST BYLINE: Angie @dailycharmaddict

Price Range: $55


Apparently I cannot pass off "Beauty Spot" as a fountain pen bead and therefore would love OHM to make a gorgeous, legitimate, silver writing instrument dangle bead. Writing has always been important to me and using a fountain pen makes it special. Fountain pens are a bridge to the past, having been used for almost two centuries. They allow the user to slow down and think carefully about what they write and how they write. Words matter and as they say, "the pen is mightier than the sword". I would love to combine my adoration of OHM with my passion for fountain pens. Wearing a bead to represent the power of words and writing would be so special and we do not have a pen bead in the OHM catalogue.

A silver FOUNTAIN PEN dangle bead slightly larger and longer than Beauty Spot. Oxidized to show detail of clip, cap, and nib, with an OHM symbol on the nib. The pen would be posted (which means the cap is removed and placed on top of the pen) revealing the nib, ready to write. The bale would be detailed with joined feathers (similar in style to the gumnuts bale, but feathers instead of leaves, to represent a quill).

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